Emotional Resilience to Promote Healthy Minds and Climates

Tuesday February 9, 2021
4:45 - 5:45 PM
Lecture 2

Never before have educators and students needed more protection from the overwhelming feelings of stress. Today a healthy mind and immune system are essential. We need a systems approach to wellness that begins with learning organizations focused on cultivating healthy, resilient educators and students. Discover cutting edge, practical research in neuroscience focused on training the mind and promoting habits needed to maintain healthy learning environments. We can choose to take responsibility for our own minds. Just as we learn a new language through practice, the same goes for cultivating well-being and resiliency. We can begin to think of qualities such as the ability to recognize negative thoughts and fostering positive mindsets as a skill. The neuroscience research implications for teaching well-being and resiliency point to healthier school climates which lead to more successful, resilient students and staff.

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