Paul Bloomberg

CEO & Founder
The Core Collaborative

Dr. Paul Bloomberg is the founder and Chief Learning Officer for The Core Collaborative, a learning network that specializes in student-centered approaches to learning. The Core Collaborative supports over 1,500 schools nationally and internationally. He is the co-author of the best-selling book, Leading Impact Teams: Building a Culture of Efficacy, published by Corwin Press as well as Peer Power: Unite, Learn, and Prosper: Activate an Assessment Revolution. Paul is a former principal and instructional leader and has directly supported multiple, successful school turn-around and school innovation efforts nationally. He served as a Distinguished Professional Development Associate for the Leadership & Learning Center, founded by Douglas Reeves. Paul was also a national Author Consultant for Corwin Professional Learning and is a North American Visible Learning consultant for John Hattie. Paul pulls from all of these experiences to tailor professional learning to each district and school with which he works so they have the structures, processes, and strategies necessary to build collective efficacy within their system.