Tammy Pawloski

Professor of Education
Francis Marion University

Tammy Pawloski has led more than 1000 professional learning events for teachers, school leaders, and stakeholders, including year-long sustained projects with multiple schools and districts each year. She has devoted the last 15 years to the study of children in or of poverty—why they often struggle and which strategies have the greatest impact. Pawloski holds a Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina, and has served as Director of the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty at Francis Marion University since 2004. She led South Carolina's development of the Add On Certification for Teachers of Children of Poverty, and, as a result, the Center under her direction was honored with the Dick and Tunky Riley What Works SC Award for Excellence in 2014. She was named a SC Boys and Girls Club Champion for Children in 2015. Pawloski is a noted expert because of her breadth of knowledge, however what resonates most with teachers and school leaders is her ability to deliver an uncommon combination of research, practice, and compelling stories from the field that both challenge and empower.