Vashaunta Harris

Consultant to National Charter Schools Institute and the Delaware State Department of Education on the A-GAME initiative

Vashaunta Harris is a native South Carolinian born into a family of ministers and educators.  After graduating from College of Charleston, she began her career in education as a 2008 Teach For America Baltimore corp member teaching high school biology and chemistry with Baltimore City Public Schools.  After completing a master’s program at Johns Hopkins, she joined Scholar Academies charter management organization as an operations coordinator/manager serving schools in PA, DC, NJ, and TN.  Then, she served DC Public Schools by way of Director of Strategic School Operations.  Vashaunta returned to her home state of South Carolina serving the SC Public Charter School District as Chief, Access & Equity in 2019.  Vashaunta has coached around performance and equity since 2019 and began coaching for equity and impact independently in early 2022.  Vashaunta enjoys morning coffee (vanilla soy lattes or café Americano), beach vacations with her family, Game of Thrones (though the final season was a bit disappointing), and cooking new recipes.