Kim Benton

Consultant and Retired Interim State Superintendent
National Comprehensive Center

Former National Distinguished Elementary Principal for Mississippi (2004) who led a school-wide Title I elementary school in Meridian, MS from low performance to the highest designation on the state’s accountability system. Provided oversight for ESEA, School Improvement (1003a and 1003g), Special Populations, and student support programs at the district level for 5 years. Provided oversight for ESEA, School Improvement (1003a and 1003g) and IDEA programs at the state level for approximately 10 years. Served as Deputy State Superintendent of Education in MS for approximately 8 years, with oversight for PK-12 Curriculum and Instruction; Compulsory Attendance; Alternative Education; State initiatives including MTSS, Early Childhood, Literacy, CCR Standards, CTE, Computer Science, Professional Development, Graduation Requirements, and High-Quality Instructional Materials. Project Lead and Co-author: Benton, K., Permenter, P., Richel, M., Sheley, P., Hartman, N., Layland, A. (2022). Supporting Students in Poverty with High Impact Instructional Strategies. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat. Co-Author: Manian, N., McColskey, W., Benton, K., & Lipshie, N. (2021). Implementing Trauma-Informed Practices in Rural Schools. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat. Benton, K., Butterfield, K., Manian, N., Molina, M., Richel, M. (2020). Returning to School Toolkit for Principals. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.