Building Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics to Close the Achievement Gap

Friday February 6, 2015
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Room 255EF

Do you wonder how to close the achievement gap in mathematics for Title I and non-Title I students? See how research proves that building a strong conceptual foundation in mathematics can directly result in decreasing the achievement gap. During this session, we will uncover ways to close this achievement gap by changing the instructional practices used in math classrooms. It will focus on why students need to learn mathematical concepts from the foundational level including concrete and pictorial modeling in order to move them to the application; and how knowing where students are in the concrete, representational, and abstract continuum can support teachers with planning accordingly. We will share the research that supports this instructional approach for Title I students, look at student work samples, and take virtual classroom walks demonstrating the effective use of these methodologies in different classrooms of Title I schools.

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mathematics, common core standards, differentiated instruction