Tutoring: The Simple But Complicated Response to Lost Learning

Saturday February 10, 2024
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Oregon Ballroom 201

To address the substantial learning loss caused by the pandemic, policymakers recognized high dosage tutoring as a viable option to aid in learning recovery. While many states and districts decided to use pandemic relief funds for tutoring, they also faced challenges in implementing evidence-informed tutoring programs—challenges such as staffing, intensity, and scheduling. The good news is that educators have been experimenting with and evaluating variations in tutoring models. This session will highlight emerging research about various approaches to tutoring, including lessons learned from states that are implementing large-scale tutoring initiatives. We’ll also share updates about related acceleration strategies, including implementation of high-quality instructional materials, grade-level assignments, just-in-time interventions, and extended learning.

In-person Lecture
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