Professional Learning Within the School Day: Lab Classrooms

Thursday February 8, 2024
3:30 - 5:00 PM
Virtual Workshop 2

Teaching and learning often happen in isolation. To refine our practice, we need a consistent structure to learn within the classroom. Lab classes empower teachers, encourage collaboration and put students at the forefront of instructional decisions. The Math Lab is designed to support teachers to build their understanding and skills as teachers who center mathematics instruction on students’ ideas, empowering students to meaningfully engage in learning mathematics. For classrooms to be equitable, teachers cannot only receive professional learning a few times a year, outside of the classroom context. To improve teacher knowledge, they must be continually immersed in learning experiences. Experiences where they can plan based on what each student knows and is able to do. Lab classrooms provide this space for math coaches, teachers, and administrators to collectively learn with and from one another.

Virtual Workshop
classroom leaders
, math