Computer-Assisted Learning, Mentoring, and the Future of Personalized Instructions

Wednesday February 7, 2024
2:45 - 3:45 PM
Oregon Ballroom 203

The Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE)’s research-practice partnership with the University of Toronto (UoT), the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, and Khan Academy addresses persistent mathematics achievement gaps in Puerto Rico that were exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Academic studies highlight the promise of computer-assisted learning to close achievement gaps, but this approach remains difficult to achieve at scale in high-needs districts. Our partnership empirically investigates solutions to this challenge in its ATEMA (Aplicación de la Tecnología en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas) program, which provides teachers with individualized mentoring on how to effectively leverage computer-assisted learning in the classroom. ATEMA aims to put personalizable and effective tools in educators' hands and has provided promising short-term results that highlight how computer-assisted learning can address students' diverse educational needs in underperforming districts.

In-person Lecture
classroom leaders