Applying the Science of Reading Through the Brain's Backdoor to Fast-Track Phonics Mastery

Wednesday February 7, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Portland Ballroom

Research on the science of reading brings us closer to understanding how the brain learns to read, but not how the brain actually learns. This distinction is important when considering the “end user” may be a 5 year-old eating his shoe...or a struggling, upper grade reader already at risk. Abstract and complex phonics terminology (i.e. diphthongs, trigraphs, fricatives, nasalizations, etc.) can be overwhelming, even for teachers! Our brains are wired to make connections and it's easier to learn and store information when there's an emotional hook to hang it on. The early-developing affective, or "feeling-based” neural networks are primed long before the higher-level, executive processing centers are formed. By aligning complex phonics skills with readily familiar feelings and understanding, like having a crush (au/aw) or getting hurt (ou/ow), we can leverage learners' emotional intelligence to fast-track their phonics knowledge and get them reading—easier, earlier and faster!


Meet the Author
Wednesday, February 7 from 12:45pm - 1:15pm Pacific
Katie Garner will be greeting in-person attendees at the "Meet the Author" counter in the Portland Ballroom lobby on Level 2.

In-person Lecture
classroom leaders
, neuroscience