What Matters Most: Designing, Implementing, and Monitoring an Effective Coaching Program

Thursday February 2, 2023
12:30 - 1:30 PM
Wabash Ballroom

Is instructional coaching the best way to advance teaching and learning in our schools and districts? Yes. Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance – Dr. Atul Gawande. In this session, Dr. Susan Abelein shares key findings and addresses implementation challenges raised in the Kraft, Blazer, and Hogan report The Effect of Teacher Coaching on Instruction and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of the Causal Evidence. The critical features found in effective coaching programs and sample coaching projects are shared with the intent of inviting reflection and evaluation of current coaching programs in schools and districts that can lead from editing to revamping professional learning.

In-Person Promo Lecture
building leaders
program implementation evaluation