Rami Christophi

Project Director I, Title I
Los Angeles County Office of Education

Rami Christophi serves as Title I Director for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. After a conscientious review of practices, effectiveness and costs, he participated in the design a program that built infrastructure for sustained parental engagement, met the learning needs of families, and provided them with hope, information and resources, while applying research-based strategies. LACOE's Title I Parent Education and Consultation program, in less than a year, involved over 800 families of incarcerated youth, homeless and foster students, and hosted the First Parent Conference (http://www.lacoe.edu/Home/NewsAnnouncements/tabid/177/ID/2972/Parents-of-at-risk-youth-join-to-overcome-adversity.aspx). As a teacher, principal, administrator and director, Rami has worked all his professional life to improve academic outcomes for at-risk students in Los Angeles