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Why Do So Many Students Struggle to Read? Is Instruction Aligned with How Brains Learn?

Learn about constructs from neuroscience that offer a plausible and well-researched explanation as to why so many students have reading problems and what can be done about it. The concepts challenge mainstream thinking in the field of reading. Evaluation and research data obtained from implementing a unique and innovative intervention model that reflects the paradigm-shifting constructs will be presented, including a third-party, gold-standard study of effectiveness that has been favorably reviewed by the Technical Committee of the Center for Response to Intervention. “If we are to obtain results never before achieved, we must expect to employ methods never before attempted.” (Francis Bacon)

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dee Tadlock

Dr. Tadlock developed Read Right after three years of post-doctoral research to answer the questions, "How does the brain learn a process?" and "What is the brain doing when it reads excellently?" Her goal was to figure out a better way to teach reading in order to help her son who was a struggling reader. All the things she had been taught to do with struggling readers in the course work for her PhD in education with a major in reading were ineffective with him. No one knows more about the theoretical constructs supporting this unique, highly-successful intervention model than she does.