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Learn, Engage, Create: BrainPOP Integration and Best Practices in a Title I Classroom

Think you know BrainPOP? In this session, participants will explore hands-on beyond the beloved BrainPOP movie & quiz and how BrainPOP can support their Title I students and families. Did you know that both you and your students can now have your own MyBrainPOP accounts? This allows for student choice to "show what I know." as well as for teachers to assign and differentiate so all students are engaged, creating, and learning on their own path. BrainPOP offers teachers data on both student and overall class performance to reflect on and guide instruction from playful assessments and custom quizzes. And just wait until you see how your students can now build concepts maps, make their own BrainPOP-style movies, and get creative with coding! It’s a loaded session, sure to inspire.

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Robert Miller

Robert Miller serves as BrainPOP's Lead Learner, providing professional development and guidance to schools and districts using BrainPOP. Before joining BrainPOP, Robert taught 4th and 5th grades for 21 years in Volusia County, Florida.