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Building Confidence by Eliminating Handwriting Struggles through Independent Learning

We talk about reading, we talk about math, but no one talks about handwriting. In this session we will focus on how Eliminating Handwriting Struggles plays a role in a child’s academic development and future successes. Participates will be shown the immediate tools needed for students to easily work Independently on Handwriting and gain the confidence that is needed to do well in all curriculum areas. Provides teachers with the needed resource for students to flourish academically. Hear testimonials from teachers using this highly visual approach and seeing the benefits in their own classrooms. Equip your Title I school with the necessary curriculum for students to thrive through this engaging and encouraging session

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chan Bohacheff

My son, Alex, struggled with his handwriting for years and I was at a loss of how I could help or what I could do. It was really taking a toll on his self-confidence and delayed his learning abilities and I too felt frustrated not knowing how to help. I searched for something different but they were all the similar writing sheet product that did not help my son. He needed a visual guide. So, I created something to help him myself…Channie’s was born! I saw changes in him within just a few short months. Not only did his handwriting dramatically change, his attitude toward writing changed significantly. Now he is proud of his neat handwriting! Channie's unique approach to handwriting eliminates struggles, is easy to teach, and quick to learn! Channie's are the only workbooks that incorporate colored blocks and vertical divider lines to regulate proper letter and number placement. Our brightly colored design creates an easy and fun experience instead of something kids dread.

Heather Haymore

Preschool teacher for 3 years at Childs Play Early Learning Center and 1 Year Sales Manager with Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks. I have seen the growth and success Channie's is bringing to children, families, teachers, and schools!