• Category 2

    Selected in 2023

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 19,095
    Student Enrollment: 293
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 0.3%
    White/Caucasian: 81%
    Hispanic: 11.9%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.3%
    Asian: 0.7%
    Native American: 0.7%
    Other: 4.9%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
    % Reduced Lunch: 59.1%
    % ELL Learners: 1.4%
    Founded: 1910
    Paige Sanders
    1053 S. Sheridan Ave.
    Sheridan, WY 82801
Henry A. Coffeen Elementary School
Sheridan, WY
We instill leadership skills within our students to help them find the leader within themselves and take ownership of their own learning.
1. Tell us about your school’s success.
Henry A. Coffeen Elementary’s mission is to empower everyone to achieve high levels of learning and leadership. The students and staff strive to achieve this mission each and every day as a model PLC School. In doing so we have always been dedicated to continuous and collaborative targeted improvement. The result of our efforts continues to make HAC a great place to learn, which was recently recognized at a Blue Ribbon School for a 2nd time. Henry A. Coffeen was also recognized as “exceeding expectations' ' with an average indicator score of 2.7. A notable achievement is the increase in the “equity” indicator for both free/reduced students and students on an IEP. The equity score for the subgroup of free/reduced students went from 38.1 to 59.7 . In addition, every tested area on the WYTOPP summative assessment demonstrated positive improvement from the 2021-2022 year to the 2022-2023 year. This is indicative of the continuous learning culture of the staff and students at HAC.
2. Talk about the greatest contributing factor(s) that promoted positive change in your school.
Henry A. Coffeen Elementary’s mission is to empower everyone to achieve high levels of learning and leadership. Utilizing Professional Learning Communities as our overarching umbrella in all we do. We embrace ALL students because of our belief that all children can learn at high levels. The culture at HAC exemplifies a professional learning community where educators understand that the learning of their students is a direct result of effective teaching, intentional collaboration, and data-driven reflection.focused on teacher clarity, using data to drive instruction and reflection, early intervention, and creating leaders. We have instilled leadership skills within our students to help them find the leader within themselves and take ownership over their own learning.
3. How has ESEA funding supported the school's success?
The use of Title I funds directly support student achievement. The majority of the funds are utilized to provide highly trained teachers who can support students through intervention. We recognizes that the most impactful factor relative to student achievement is effective teaching. Therefore, we intentionally utilize our funds for teacher salaries and professional development. Each Title I teacher maintains a certification in either Math Recovery or Literacy Lessons. Both of these ongoing professional development initiatives develop teachers who understand the trajectory of learning and can identify targeted areas of need in students’ learning. Finally, they can design intentional instruction based on student needs to close the achievement gap.
The additional expenditure is for Family Engagement. This is a constant priority for our school, these opportunities are designed intentionally with feedback from families.
4. What professional development activities were used to improve teaching and learning?
At each staff meeting, we spotlight a grade level that can teach the remainder of the staff about the amazing things going on in their classrooms. They have been focused on the use of data and showcasing how teachers use this data effectively to track student growth and then make intentional instructional decisions. Recently, the dedicated 2nd grade team shared their way of fulfilling our school wide commitment to data tracking. Their students keep a ‘digital data notebook’ where they are able to evaluate their progress on specific standards with their teacher. Because of the 7 Habits and whole school collaboration, each grade level has adopted a similar practice that also meets this collective commitment. How incredibly powerful! Through this process, we have has decreased variability of achievement from classroom to classroom by empowering each other as a community of continuous learners.
5. Talk about the cultural shift leading up to your school's success.
We capitalizes on the research base of John Hattie's Visible Learning. For the last two summers, teams of teachers from our school have attended the Visible Learning Conference to acquire strategies to accelerate student learning through clarity. After attending the conference, the team returns to design professional development for the entire staff. Decreasing variability between classrooms and increasing collective efficacy. We understand that one teacher alone cannot meet the needs of an entire classroom, but together a team of teachers can help students evaluate their progress on specific standards with their teacher through a digital data notebook. Because of the 7 Habits and whole school collaboration, each grade level has adopted a similar practice that also meets this collective commitment. How incredibly powerful! Through this process, once again decreasing variability of achievement from classroom to classroom by empowering each other as a community of continuous learners.
6. How has community involvement strengthened your success?
Our unwavering commitment to student success and community building. Our mission and vision statements guide our daily efforts, fostering a culture of intentional, purposeful, and thoughtful decision-making. Rooted in collaboration and reflection, our teachers and staff continually strive for excellence in exemplifying the principles of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Our dedication extends beyond the classroom, reaching families through diverse initiatives, including family nights, Title 1 supports, nutritional aid, community outing to give back and a parent liaison program. Our students receive the highest quality education as we implement research-based teaching practices, collaboration, and regular professional development. As we continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of education, our shared vision remains a guiding force, making sure that our school remains a beacon of educational excellence and a place where every student can thrive.
  • Category 2

    Selected in 2023

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 19,095
    Student Enrollment: 293
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 0.3%
    White/Caucasian: 81%
    Hispanic: 11.9%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.3%
    Asian: 0.7%
    Native American: 0.7%
    Other: 4.9%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
    % Reduced Lunch: 59.1%
    % ELL Learners: 1.4%
    Founded: 1910
    Paige Sanders
    1053 S. Sheridan Ave.
    Sheridan, WY 82801