TWRLS of Engagement: A Framework for Academic and Social-Emotional Learning

Monday February 8, 2021
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Workshop 4

Effective learning occurs when content is experienced both academically and social-emotionally. The brain thrives on engagement using both sides of the brain to attain and critically access new learning, especially for disadvantaged children. To strengthen and build empathy, schools are moving toward focusing on social, emotional and academic patterns in learning. TWRLS of engagement is an acronym for Thinking, Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking. TWRLS is used by administrators and teachers to systematically integrate social-emotional strategies and academic learning strategies simultaneously. It is a tool for monitoring, planning and developing habits of learning that empower students to access rigorous and complex content. This presentation is aligned to the Instruction category and serves to address Differentiation, English Learners and Cultural Diversity. TWRLS is a simple approach to a complex issue that benefits all learners.

classroom leaders
cultural diversity