Intensive Curriculum University - The New Model for Middle School RTI Instruction

Wednesday February 10, 2021
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Lecture 2

80+% ELL, 90+% FRL, 35 student classroom average, 1300 students on campus. With those numbers how can a middle school in the highest crime-rated zip code in the heart of Las Vegas hope to identify those students in need of RTI and/or Tier 2 interventions? We have implemented a strategy in which every student is identified based on not only their academic strengths and weaknesses, but also through an intricate evaluation of their social-emotional needs. We have implemented a system in which every teacher on campus is transformed into a valued instructor to the core curricular areas, regardless of license specialty. Therefore, no student or teacher is allowed to fall through the cracks or be left behind.

classroom leaders
data decision