Implementing the McKinney-Vento Act: Equity for Students Experiencing Homelessness

Tuesday February 9, 2021
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Workshop 3

This session will provide clear, concise information on the McKinney-Vento Act, with a focus on replicable implementation strategies. Presenters represent four different perspectives and strength areas, including an attorney who was directly involved in creating ESSA policies for students experiencing homelessness; a school district level homeless liaison from an urban area with a high percentage of African American students; a school building-level liaison from a suburban and rural area with a high percentage of Latinx and Native students; and a young person who experienced homelessness in high school and currently is pursuing a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. After learning key points of the McKinney-Vento Act and practical implementation strategies, participants will develop their own implementation plans, with input from peers and presenters. Participants will leave ready to implement at least one, tangible strategy upon returning to their school, district, or state.

district leaders
multi tiered systems of support