Lift Up and Anchor Collaborative Partnerships for Equitable Services Programs

Friday February 3, 2023
9:45 - 10:45 AM
Room 107-110

The state ombudsman has played a vital role in recommitting, renewing and reimaging how LEAs and private school equitable services are provided to meet the needs of private school students and teachers. SEAs, LEAs and private schools having made positive leaps and bounds but still do face challenges regarding equitable services. This presentation will share and describe to participants the importance of as well as how to best engage in meaningful working relationships with the state ombudsman, school district leaders, and private school partner. This presentation will allow an opportunity for participants to hear from two state ombudsmen (Louisiana and Texas) who have assisted and been a part of these working relationships for Federal Program funding and COVID relief programs in both in-person and virtual formats.

In-Person Lecture
building leaders