Using English Learners' Assessment Results to Improve Academic Achievement
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This presentation will engage participants in considering when and how English Learners' scores on standardized content assessments provide meaningful information that can be interpreted and used with validity. The presenter will help participants understand that there is no such thing as an assessment that is valid; individual users of the data must be careful to interpret and use the results in a valid manner. When EL students who are not proficient in English take content assessments, their test scores may not yield information that is meaningful. This presentation will provide insight into the relationship between proficiency in English and performance on content assessments. Leaders and teachers who attend will gain insight into how to interpret EL data to determine how best to match delivery model to instructional needs.
Download Session Materials
- Webb_National ESEA Presentation_February 2020.pdf
- WIDA_Performance-Definitions-Expressive-Domains.pdf
- WIDA_Performance-Definitions-Receptive-Domains.pdf
- ACCESS-Sample-Individual-Score-Report-English.pdf
- GA Milestones Parent Friendly ALDs - Algebra I Final_revised 9.21.2018.pdf
- GA_Milestones_ALDs_for_Parents-Biology.pdf
- GA_Milestones_ALDs_for_Parents-Grade_5.pdf
- GA_Milestones_ALDs_for_Parents-Ninth_Grade_Lit_and_Comp.pdf
- GA_Milestones_ALDs_for_Parents-US_History.pdf