Collaborative Resources for English Learner Success
WATCH THE VIDEO (Video On Demand subscription required)
This innovative collaborative promotes equitable access to ensure English Learners are provided high quality differentiated instructional practice. As an educational service center in Central Ohio with multiple service options, this English Learner district collaborative approach includes charter/community, public and nonpublic schools and districts with small English Learner student populations. The consortium offers multiple opportunities for networking, including an administrator network, professional learning programs, and coaching. English Learners’ social-emotional needs are considered throughout the offerings. Assistance for district leadership to meet ESSA compliance is provided in a peer-to-peer self-created document repository. Join us to expand your ideas on how to improve English Learner success!
Download Session Materials
- English Learner Administrator Network (ELAN) Information Card.pdf
- Specialized On-site Support Team Information Card.pdf
- Federal Compliance Document Repository Information Card.pdf
- 2020 ESEA Final National Conference Presentation-Collaborative Resources for English Learner Success.2.pdf