ESEA Regional Representatives

REGION 1 - Jessie Murray (VT)
ALTERNATE - Kathryn Nichol (NH)
Jessie Murray Bio
Jessie Murray is the Title I Director with the Vermont Agency of Education. She has held this role for 3 years after spending nearly a decade working in higher education. With a Bachelor of Arts in global studies and a Master of Public Administration, she is passionate about the role of public education in the social and economic development of communities. Jessie enjoys teaching Vermont’s school districts about the intricacies of ESEA and supporting them to implement their grant programs effectively. She personally finds fulfillment by building relationships with administrators in Vermont and across the nation to learn from each other, share resources and ultimately support those doing the important work of educating the next generation.
Although originally a Michigander, Jessie fell in love with the community spirit and the natural beauty of Vermont and is proud to call the state home. She spends her free time with her husband and dog, enjoying the outdoors and exploring the local bakery scene.
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