
How do I create a COMPANY account on ESEAnetwork.org?

In order to create a Company account on the ESEA network website you must have a user account at www.eseanetwork.org.  Follow these steps to create your user account:


1. On the upper right side of the screen, select the Sign Up tab. 
2. Enter your email address and password and select the Submit button.
3. Next, you will see the User Profile Page.  Enter your name, organization, title, phone number, email address and physical address.  Select the Save button.  You are now a registered user of the ESEA Network website.
4. Click on your Dashboard to see the Overview section, where you can view different tabs: Events & Subscriptions, Finance, and Account.  Click the Manage button under the Account tab.
5. Under Company Representative, click on the Company Account Access link.
6. Enter organization, phone, website and physical address (including street address, city, state, and zip code.)
7. Select Company Category and Product Category from the drop-down menu.
8. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
9. Your account information will be reviewed and either approved or declined within two business days.
10. Once your organization account has been approved, your user account will be linked to your organization account.
11. To access your organization account, log in to your dashboard.  Under your name you will see the clickable headings, including Overview, Events & Subscriptions, Finance, Account, and Communications.  To the right of those headings you will see a black Company Dashboard tab with a left arrow.  Click on this tab to toggle back and forth between your User Dashboard and your Company Dashboard.  
