High Quality Family Engagement: The Equity Issue of Our Time

Saturday February 2, 2019
8:30 - 10:00 AM

Under ESSA, schools are no longer confined to “core academic subjects” as the only measure of student success. Previous educational reforms did not sufficiently address the social and emotional factors crucial in learning. States, districts, and schools now have the flexibility to provide a “well-rounded education” including activities in social emotional learning, skills essential to academic success. ESSA provides balance where the focus had become too narrow under NCLB; and it encourages means to ensure access and equity for all students. While many focus on what educators can do to ensure equitability, there is no substitute for parents’ role as a child’s first teacher. To close the opportunity gap, districts and schools must find, develop, and deploy practical and scalable solutions to empower parents and families to be an active part in eliminating barriers. Discover how ReadyRosie offers research-based strategies to help close that gap.

classroom leaders, building leaders, district leaders
parent family community engagement, evidence based practices, Title I-A, Title II-A, Title IV-A