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RestorativeUS will help transform public K-12 education such that every student will learn to interact successfully in times of stress, frustration, disappointment, anger, and in the midst of social injustice. RestorativeUS offers a new way of approaching students, learning, and the role of schools in preparing students for the future. Our work will create seismic shifts in classrooms, schools, districts, and communities. It challenges traditional approaches to how schools interact with students and how they manage students when they have failed to engage. The methods promoted are designed to be used by school leadership teams, school-based action research teams, stakeholder groups, or any individual eager to implement a whole child and restorative approach in a classroom, grade level, school, network, or district. RUS provides support to two challenges institutions often encounter when adopting a whole child relationship-based restorative approach: mindset and strategy. Our model is supported by The Restorative Playbook and customized on-site professional development.
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