Document Tracking Services
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Document Tracking Services (DTS)
For over 10 years, DTS has been working with districts, schools and charter schools to provide time-saving features and tools that streamline the process of updating School Improvement, Schoolwide, Safety and Emergency Response template-based documents. DTS provides cloud-based solutions with built-in functionality including:

• Top-level template control
• Data pre-population
• Expenditure tracking and summarizing
• Reporting and tracking functionality

Now serving almost 1,000 districts across the United States, DTS also provides additional related services including:

Ad Hoc Translation Support
The need to communicate with parents and other stakeholders has grown increasingly important, and necessary, as we seek their input on important decisions and participation regarding student achievement. DTS provides a fast, reliable and cost effective service for schools and LEAs seeking to provide translated material to their community.

Publishing, tracking and managing forms is a time-consuming and often tedious task. DTSforms provides solutions for many of the obstacles administrators and office staff face when working with and tracking form submissions, approvals and related-tasks. DTS provides support for Bully Incident Reporting, IEP Form Packets, Student Study Forms Packets, 504 Form Packets, Staff Requests, Facility-Use Requests and many other forms. Coupled with DTS’ well-known reputation for responsiveness and ongoing customer support, DTSforms is proving to be a timesaver for a wide variety of forms-related processes.
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