Standardizing Teacher Input for Exiting from EL Status: Challenges & Opportunities

Wednesday February 19, 2025
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Room 19AB

ESSA required states to set statewide standardized procedures for entry and exit from English learner (EL) status. For states that use teacher input as an exit criterion–such as California and Texas, the two states with the largest EL populations–this meant standardizing tools for such input. This session will engage participants in conversation with leaders from CA and TX who have overseen the development and implementation of the Texas Education Agency’s Emergent Bilingual/English Learner Reclassification Rubric Teacher Documentation form and the California Department of Education’s Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL). CA and TX SEA leaders will speak, as well as an LEA leader from CA who is overseeing local implementation of the OPTEL, and a federally funded partner supporting the CA SEA. Reflecting the conference theme, the session connects to a national conversation around policies for improving outcomes for historically marginalized students.

In-person Lecture
Building Leaders
English Learners, Data-driven Decision-making