Introducing P-Factor: A Jolt of Neuro-Science on Play & Enrichment to Fuel Improvement

Thursday February 20, 2025
2:45 - 3:45 PM
Ballroom E

What is your "P-Factor" and why does it matter? It may be the answer to the quest for continuous improvement. We want students to do well. But what if the 6-point lesson plan isn't working any longer? Kids' brains have changed. We need a reboot; a cocktail of PLAY/MOTIVATION/ENRICHMENT may do the trick. Introducing: The “P-Factor,” one’s ability to use play and enrichment to reframe thinking. Research in neuroscience suggests that "Extravagant Enrichment” can buffer students' and teachers’ brains from excess cortisol and uptake dopamine. Join 8-time ESEA speaker Dr. Linda for 1) A review of research on how inflammation and elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels impact all brains; 2) A 10 item assessment to measure Creativity and P-Factor, and 3) A toolbox of strategies to infuse P-Factor into the classroom. In the midst of the largest teacher shortage in the past century, we must provide real answers for teachers who are struggling to maintain continuous improvement.

In-person Lecture
All audiences
Neuroscience, Differentiated Instruction