Empowering Title I Schools: Collaboration, Data and Funding for Equity

Wednesday February 19, 2025
4:15 - 5:15 PM
Room 16AB

In this dynamic presentation we delve into the essential elements necessary to empower Title I schools, ensuring equitable opportunities for every student. Title I schools often serve communities facing socio-economic challenges, where educational resources may be limited. To address these disparities, collaboration, data-driven decision making and strategic funding allocation are paramount. Throughout the session, we explore proven strategies and best practices for fostering collaboration among educators, administrators, and families. By building strong partnerships, we can leverage collective expertise and resources to support student success. Data plays a pivotal role in driving informed decisions and targeted supports. We examine how to harness data effectively to identify school needs, measure progress and align resources to meet the identified needs of students and families. Together, let's champion equity and excellence in education for each and every student and family!

In-person Workshop
All audiences
Evidence-based Practices, School Improvement