2-3 Years of Growth in a Single Year? Leveraging the Power of Collective Teacher Efficacy

Thursday February 20, 2025
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Ballroom F

Educators have a limited amount of time, money, enthusiasm, and energy, so it makes sense to focus those limited resources on practices that matter most for student success. John Hattie identifies Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) as an effect that can yield two-to-three years of growth in one year! If CTE is more powerful and predictive than socioeconomic status, the effect of home environment, student motivation, and more, what does it look like and how do we make it happen? Learn the basics of CTE and take away a model and resources for ongoing professional study and teacher support that will help to make CTE central to your work as a school or district leader.

In-person Lecture
Classroom Leaders
School Improvement, Effective Leaders