Facilitated Book Study Meet & Greet Preview: Turning High-Poverty Schools Into High-Performing Schools

Saturday February 19, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools—a Facilitated Book Study with the Authors

Attendees of the 2022 National ESEA Conference have the option to participate in a five-part webinar series with keynote speakers and authors, William Parrett and Kathleen Budge. This unique opportunity is limited to 150 participants wanting to dig deeper into the content of the book, Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools (ASCD, 2020). Join the authors and your colleagues for this one-hour preview and meet and greet to learn more about this unique opportunity. 

Visit the Book Study webpage for complete information and to sign up.


Looking for Answers to Pandemic-Era Challenges? Three Reasons to Engage in This “Book Study Plus” 


Reason 1: In this era of pandemic schooling, much is to be learned from high-performing, high-poverty schools. By necessity and design, educators in high-performing, high-poverty schools had to tackle many of the same issues which pandemic-schooling has recently leveled on many public schools, such as assertively attending to SEL, proactively responding to trauma, accelerating learning for students who were behind, and forming productive partnerships with parents. Without cultivating the capacity and efficacy necessary to address these challenges, their success in improving academic achievement and other student outcomes would have been significantly diminished, if not impossible.


Reason 2: This is not your typical book study. This book study will be facilitated by the authors themselves. Confident the capacity and collective efficacy the authors had witnessed in these schools would generalize to the new pandemic related realities educators are facing, Bill and Kathleen, circled back to the successful practitioners who had participated in their two recent studies of High- poverty High-performing schools to seek their specific insights, strategies, advice and recommendations. This interactive book study will revisit the Author’s Framework for Collective Action, elucidating the core work of these schools and share just-in-time information, new insights and strategies gained from this fresh set of interviews.


Reason 3: This book study will advance your professional learning well beyond the “sit and get” of conference attendance. This book study extends your learning from the Author’s keynote address coupled with the breakout sessions conducted the four of schools featured in the book to the daily realities and challenges you and your colleagues face. Further, the interactive nature of this book study will provide all participants from districts and schools across the nation with multiple opportunities to learn from each other as all engage in this unique opportunity.

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