int(5) int(5) int(3) int(3) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Understanding Math Transforms Lives

This hands-on workshop starts with rekenrek and number line applications and activities that can enrich important standards in K-5 math, and can be adapted to many teaching styles. We then explore an improved version called RekenMathLine. This dual use tool allows users to have a mistake-free connection to numbers for 1-to-1 correspondence, number recognition, operations, missing parts and more. We will explore math concepts and discuss in detail different ways to implement them into math curriculum in the form of games and activities, and even as rigorous instruction. Come learn about this powerful visual to enrich strategic reasoning in your K-5 math classroom. All attendees leave with the sample they worked on.

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dale Ylitalo

Dale Ylitalo is the National Math Consultant for MathLine at Howbrite Solutions. He has worked with thousands of K-5 teachers for over 20 years in understanding the challenges of young math learners from all populations. Dale develops digital tools, writes math content and has trained thousands of elementary teachers on effectively implementing MathLine into lesson plans. Dale believes strongly in query based instruction to better help students have deeper comprehension of math concepts.