The National Association of English Learner Program Administrators’ (NAELPA’s) Advocating for Multilingual Learners (MLs) Committee reviewed publications related to asset-based terms. This presentation provides an outline of the White Paper that was drafted along with recommendations for how to encourage an Asset-Based Mindset and the use of Asset-Based Terms with MLs. Topics that discussed include the influence of attitudes and worldviews on terminology; the importance of aligning terms with common practice; the importance of identifying the purpose of terms used; and the difficulty in finding a mutually agreeable term - and NAELPA's preference for using MLs.

Dr. David Holbrook and Nicole Leach are both actively involved in the National Association of English Learner Program Administrators (NAELPA). Dr. Holbrook is a former State Federal Programs, Title I, and Title III Director and currently serves as the NAELPA Executive Director.
Nicole is a Senior Federal Grant Specialist (formerly Dual Language and EL Specialist) with the Indiana Department of Education and currently serves as the NAELPA President-Elect.