int(22) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
This video is available as a NAESPA membership benefit or for a limited time as a conference attendee.
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Dyslexia Laws and Implications for English Learners

Timely and appropriate identification and support for students with dyslexia is mandated by federal law. Most states have taken legislative or other actions on dyslexia. While these actions are meant to increase the academic success of all students, there are some “hidden dangers” for marginalized student populations, including English learners. This workshop will focus on the intersection of the science of reading and best practices for supporting the language and literacy needs of ELs. Participants will learn specific strategies for enhancing recommended research-based assessment and instruction practices so that students with language differences are positively impacted as well. Participants will have several opportunities to interact in small groups as well as learn from the larger audience. Each participant will leave with a personal action plan for building their capacity to implement best practices as it relates to appropriately identifying and supporting ELs with dyslexia.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Mireika "Marie" Kobayashi

Marie Kobayashi has been teaching Assessment and Culturally Responsive teaching classes at Xavier and Miami University's TESOL programs. She has extensive experience presenting on the identification of ELs as students with disabilities.

Milena Varbanova

Milena Varbanova has extensive experience working with diverse learners in various roles, including EL school district psychologist, consultant, and a university instructor. She has served EL in large urban and suburban school districts. She is currently the EL district administrator for Mason City schools serving more than 3000 linguistically/culturally diverse students and families representing 70 different home countries. Milena has developed a number of national, state and regional professional development/learning experiences and was an instrumental team member writing the state’s guidance documents for identification of EL as SWD. She has taught TESOL classes at Xavier University and Miami University.

Wendy Strickler

Wendy Strickler brings a wealth of varied experiences not only working directly with ELs instruction but also at district and regional levels providing professional development and guidance for special education decision making for ELs.