As educators navigate the post-COVID world, mental health supports are more important than ever. While we do not yet know the long-term impacts of the pandemic, we do know that the challenges of the last few years have negatively impacted absenteeism, educator recruitment and retention, academic performance, and more. As a result, and for many reasons beyond COVID-19, social emotional learning remains a critical component in addressing the needs of staff and students. These needs have likely been exacerbated for our historically underserved student populations served by the ESEA programs. This session will engage participants in activities designed to assess their districts’/schools’/organizations’ varied needs and resources in order to help identify possible next steps in offering more mental health supports to staff and students. We will discuss SEL program strategies and possible connections to related ESEA grants and requirements.

Dr. Jill Thorngren is a counselor educator, licensed professional counselor, and former university dean of education and human sciences. Her expertise crosses over the realms of education and mental health. Throughout her career as an academic leader, Dr. Thorngren has maintained involvement in training counselors and providing therapy for individuals and families. She currently manages her own counseling and consulting practice and continues to teach part-time at Montana State University.
Dr. Alyson Lerma currently serves as the Director of Grants at KIPP Nashville. She has worked in public education for almost two decades with most of that time spent working with ESEA and IDEA programs; she began her career as a classroom teacher and has since served in various roles at both the district and state levels, including ESL and world languages district supervisor, Director of ESEA and IDEA Monitoring at TDOE, and Director of Grants at MNPS. In Metro Nashville Public Schools, Dr. Lerma led a team responsible for managing a grant portfolio of over $500M. She also serves as an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University and a private consultant with various firms.