What Contributed to Successful (or Not As Successful) SIG Turnaround Efforts?

Saturday February 7, 2015
8:15 - 9:15 AM
Room 250

School Improvement Grants (SIG) sought to turnaround chronically low-performing schools. Some efforts were successful and others were not as successful. What contributed to these differences in outcomes? The National Center on School Turnaround (CST) and the California Comprehensive Center (CACC), both housed at WestEd, and the American Institutes for Research (AIR), as partners in the CACC, studied the first cohort of California K-8 SIG schools to help understand this complex issue. This presentation will discuss the strategies and approaches of higher and lower performing SIG schools and what may have contributed to their different outcomes. The study provides insight into the implementation of school improvement initiatives, effective practices, and sustainability efforts.

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school improvement, effective program development, using data