int(12) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Lead from the End

Solving the problem of educating students of poverty and trauma through the law of reciprocity. If we want our low-income students to experience academic success, we must first address the issues of child maltreatment that are prevalent in those living in poverty. As a funder and resource of solutions, Title I recipients stand at a threshold, positioned to take on this charge. In this presentation, participants will receive highlights of the research on trauma and learning, receive information on ideas and strategies for classroom educators to help students of poverty and trauma navigate past barriers, and receive vision on how this can be supported. We will inspire leaders to lead from the end, by partnering with the professionals in their charge to address the issue of equity in education. Success is the endgame. We all want the same thing; it’s all reciprocal. Come to this session and let’s partner together to lead from the end.

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ivy Bonk

Trauma and its impact on learning is Dr. Ivy's expertise and focus of doctoral research.