int(13) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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66 : 24
Ten Reasons to Choose Teaching Again No, You're Not Crazy. Lift Up With Renewed Passion

They call it the "Great Resignation", as 1 in 5 non-retired adults in the US left their jobs during the pandemic. For teachers, the numbers are probably even higher and this "Brain Drain" is especially critical because teaching is a highly skilled profession with a long trajectory of preparation. Even with critical needs certification programs in place to "fast track" educators into classrooms ( not ideal), the gaps are huge and glaring. "Ten Reasons to Choose Teaching Again. No, You're Not Crazy" takes a hard look at the crisis in recruitment and retention of teachers and begins a healing process, using humor, research, and coaching to assist and support the remnant that survived the pandemic. Teaching is a wonderful profession that needs a makeover. We will do some healing, some helping, some hoping together and begin to restore teachers' joy in their chosen profession with this invigorating session.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Linda Bone

Dr. Linda Karges-Bone is an award winning professor, author, television & radio host with 40 years' experience; presentations in 38 states; and a deep research base: writing 34 books for educators and parents. Latest books are"Rich Brain-Poor Brain: Bridging Social and Synaptic Gaps in Schools" and "Brain Tips: Simple, Yet Sensational Strategies for Improving Teaching, Learning, and Parenting." A "standing room only" speaker at national conferences, including 6 Title I and 2 NDI, she is currently engaged in a new, year long Virtual PD training for educators in rural Montana, that will bring the latest in cognitive science, via ZOOM, to previously under-served populations. Her firm, Education InSite helps Title I sites apply research in neuroscience to innovative classroom practice.