int(25) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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How a School District’s Title I, Part A (Title I) Allocation is Determined

Have you ever wondered about why a school district’s Title I allocation differs from that of a neighboring school district, why it changes from one year to the next (or does not change much), decreases when you expected an increase or vice versa, or how you can estimate a coming year’s allocation amount? This session will address these common questions by describing the formula factors that determine Title I allocations to school districts, the respective roles of the U.S. Department of Education and State educational agencies (SEAs) in the Title I allocation process, and the general schedule of when allocation information becomes available during the year to SEAs and school districts. The information will assist school districts, States, and other stakeholders in understanding the Title I allocation process and support their planning for future years.

This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
Todd Stephenson

Todd Stephenson is a Management and Program Analyst in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, School Support and Accountability. In this capacity he works with different aspects of the Title I, Part A program and other ESEA programs, including allocations.

Victoria Rosenboom

Victoria Rosenboom is an Education Program Specialist in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, School Support and Accountability. In this capacity, she works on the Title I, Part A program, including allocations, and on allocations for other ESEA programs.
