Evidence-Based Practices for School Improvement

Friday February 9, 2018
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room 103

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states and districts with an opportunity to implement their visions for achieving educational excellence and select evidence-based school improvement strategies that most effectively meet local needs. Struggling schools have created improvement plans for decades, but there is now data that shows what works, giving educators a powerful tool for selecting the right strategy, as opposed to having to rely on intuition, belief or personal experience alone. Through the largest randomized control trial of secondary school improvement in U.S. history, Diplomas Now–a national collaboration between Johns Hopkins University’s Talent Development Secondary, City Year and Communities In Schools–has proven what works to transform struggling schools and keep students in high-poverty neighborhoods on the graduation path. In this session, participants will learn about evidence-based practices for school improvement and ways to replicate them.

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classroom leaders
school improvement, at-risk populations