Beyond Mere Compliance: The CNA Process as the Foundation for Continuous Improvement

Thursday February 20, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Ballroom G

A well-done comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) process provides a foundational focus on improvement so that every child in every school will have what they need to succeed. While a comprehensive needs assessment is a requirement for multiple federal and state programs, when completed with intentionality and proficiency, the CNA process can inform goals and identify action steps that lead to meaningful, long-term school and district improvement. By equipping school leaders and district personnel with the tools and skills needed to complete the CNA process well, school improvement efforts are elevated from mere compliance to a culture of continuous improvement that positively impacts student learning and enables every child in every school to reach their highest potential

In-person Workshop
Building Leaders
Asset Based Needs Assessment/Evaluation/Monitoring, Data-driven Decision-making