MTSS: Interventions That Work in the Cyber High School

Saturday February 4, 2023
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Wabash Ballroom

As educators we are always looking for new ways to meet the needs of our students academically, socially, and emotionally. Working within the confines of an online environment, where research and resources are often scarce, can create hurdles that need imagination to overcome. This presentation will walk you through the process of creating a meaningful MTSS and RTI program for high school students in the virtual setting. All of the research, interventions, and strategies presented can be modified to meet the needs of students in all grade bands and in virtual or face-to-face school environments. We will present the evolution of an MTSS framework in a school only 5 years young and share the struggles and successes that have materialized!

In-Person Lecture
classroom leaders
data decision