How School Administrators can Manage Cultural Awareness and Build Healthy Relationships

Friday February 3, 2023
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
500 Ballroom

This workshop will give educators strategies to educate, activate and motivate all students and staff through cultural diversity and healthy relationship building. Many educators' perceptions have become their reality. During this interactive workshop educators and administrators will learn the true depiction of Cultural Diversity along with strategies for Inclusion and relationship building. Educators will receive 4 tips for managing their biases, tools to build positive relationships with students, and strategies and techniques that have been proven to work in school districts around the US. Educators will receive a proven strategy for hidden biases. Administrators will be challenged to self-evaluate their own connection techniques including their thought process to assist in the success of their students and staff. Come and engage in this fun, interactive workshop and receive tools you can use right away.

In-Person Promo Lecture
classroom leaders
school climate culture