Centering Student Voice in Social Emotional Learning For Equitable Learning Environments

Friday February 18, 2022
1:00 - 2:30 PM

During COVID, Michigan had a 30% increase in mental-health related hospital visits among school-aged children. Recognizing the critical role student perspectives play in creating equitable learning environments to support mental health and social and emotional learning (SEL) of all students, the state department and Region 8 Comprehensive Center, worked collaboratively with students and educators to create a framework that centers student voices, including those who have been historically marginalized, by collaborating with, and creating student opportunities to lead inside and outside the classroom. Centering student voice is an evidence-based way to shift adult-centered perspectives, address inequities, and amplify the identity, agency and belonging of all students and their communities. Participants will leave with knowledge of how to align SEL with student voice at the state and local level, learn from the experiences of schools, and reflect on the application to their contexts.

classroom leaders
diversity, equity, inclusion