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Using your existing student data, we help administrators and teachers make data-driven instructional decisions based on ALL of the available information. In short, we help you See the Whole Student.™

Most school districts collect many data points across many systems, including their student information system, assessments, third party platforms, and so on. What districts often lack is the ability to efficiently view and use those data points from a single, concise platform.

SchoolStatus automatically aggregates the disjointed data elements – without need for additional personnel – and makes them available in one place. We distill the data down to what’s really important to district leaders, then make it easily accessible regardless of technical savvy. Attendance, discipline, grades, Smart Tags™, Group Tags™, GeoVision®, and our teacher evaluation platform Feedbak© all work together via one dashboard to deliver the information you need in a matter of clicks. Now you track all systems, from ONE system.

Not only do we help you access multiple data systems to create a complete educational picture for each and every student, but we also stand by our easy-to-use software and automatic integrations by including all training and support in your one-time annual price per school. We look forward to the opportunity to show you more about this powerful resource for your district and discussing how we can help you meet and exceed your district’s goals for success.
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