P.A.W.S. Academy: Creating Positive Roads to Success for High Needs Students

Saturday February 10, 2018
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Room 119

At the start of the 2016-17 school year, the leadership team at Thomasville Primary School looked closely at their discipline data and found that there was a need for interventions with students that had high numbers of behavior referrals. The decision was to develop a program so these students could obtain the appropriate social and emotional skills to be successful in all settings. The curriculum developed for the academy focused on four main areas, Growth Mindset, Identifying and Managing Emotions, Respect and Problem Solving. Following the lead of Thomasville Primary, Thomasville Middle School embraced the principles of P.A.W.S. Academy and begun the implementation process using the BB&T Leadership Institute's model for implementing change. The concept remains the same, yet is adapted to be age appropriate for secondary students. Session participants will learn about implementation of the program at both schools and develop their own plans for similar programs in their schools.

classroom leaders
at-risk populations, multiple tiered system of support