Feelings and Behaviors Related to Poverty, A Teacher's Responsive Toolkit

Thursday February 8, 2018
12:00 - 12:45 PM
Exhibitor Session Room B

Students with an experience of poverty present feelings and behaviors that often clash with the expectations of school and classroom culture. At first, these feelings and behaviors can be discouraging to teachers and may be interpreted as negative student traits that do not support learning. However, when the lens of viewing these students shifts to understanding the context that produces them, teachers are powerfully equipped to expect them and effectively respond to them rather than merely react. This session guides participants through a combination of experiences that illuminate the root causes of the feelings and behaviors associated with students living in poverty and provides practical, concrete and effective strategies to positively transform how students feel and act. Learn powerful methods for for turning mistrust to trust, disorganization to systemization, anxiety to excitement, isolation to connection, and anger to motivation.

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classroom leaders
school climate & culture