Stand and Be Counted: Politics and Advocacy in the New Administration

Saturday February 25, 2017
8:30 - 11:30 AM
Promenade Ballroom BC

This session will explore avenues for participation in federal education policy formulation. This is an exclusive opportunity for attendees to discuss how education policy will develop in the new administration with recognized experts from the Washington, D.C. law firm of Brustein & Manasevit, and learn how to effectively participate in the lawmaking and policymaking processes.  In this interactive session participants will learn:

The basics of the federal legislative and regulatory process, as it has played out through the lens of recent legislation like the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and other major pieces of policy legislation.

Policy issues that schools, districts, and states will face with the implementation of the newly enacted ESSA and other proposed changes to federal laws and regulations.

How to most effectively reach   out to federal agencies and Congressional representatives to express policy priorities and concerns and ensure your voice is heard and considered.

Changes in the administration and Congress, up-to-the-minute education policy developments, and predictions for education policy direction in the long term.



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